I think that as women most of us want to trust God, but much of the time it is a very difficult thing to do. In this book Sheila shows you how several Biblical characters learned to trust God in the most difficult of circumstances.....and the circumstances some of them had to live by when they didn't trust Him. She also made it clear in the book that the choices they made, whether to trust God or to trust in themselves, affected not only themselves but affected many future generations. She also shares her own personal story of going from a well-known Christian TV personality to spending time in a psychiatric ward. That's where she truly learned to trust God. She learned that the safest place to be, even though it may not look safe, is wherever Jesus is. She found that sometimes you have to go through the dark places to find the light....
Through her own experiences and those of Abraham, Nicodemus, Samson, and other Biblical characters the Author shows you how to trust God with your fears, your dreams, and your journey. And it is never too late to start trusting God.
In the book the Author includes a Discussion Guide and a complete Study Session for each chapter.